Submit a Guest Post This page was created to enable anyone to submit a guest post for Melissa to consider publishing on her blog. Using the submission form ensures that the guest post content meets My Chaotic Ramblings needs. To submit a guest post for Melissa to review, first choose a date you would like the post to be published on. The date can be the first available date on the calendar or it can be a future date to coincide with any campaigns you would be running. Once you have chosen the date and time (this is irrelevant), complete the submission form as fully as you can. It is important when submitting your guest post that you think about the person who would read your article. Have you asked yourself the following questions: WHO will read this article? WHAT problem does this person have? HOW will this article solve this problem? DOES this article offer a unique perspective? When Melissa is reviewing your article for submission, these are the things she would be considering before deciding whether to accept your guest post or not. While this may be obvious but for completion sake, articles that are not clean ie articles that contain swear words or profanity will not be accepted for publication. No hate or discriminatory articles will be accepted either. Advertorials are also not accepted. If you would like to submit a sponsored guest post that you can advertise on, please send Melissa an email. Melissa makes the final decision as to what articles, if any, will be accepted. Melissa will not provide any reason why your article is not accepted. If you are happy with these terms, please submit your guest post using the form below. If you have any problems using this form, have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please click here to send Melissa an email. If you know anyone who is looking for opportunities to submit a guest post, please share this page with them. This submission form is currently FREE to use. E-mail Address: * Which date would you prefer your post to publish * Key phrase people would Google to find your article* * Title of your guest post that includes the key phrase * Introduction* * Subheading 1 (include key phrase)* * YOUR CONTENT* * Subheading 2 * YOUR CONTENT* * Subheading 3* * YOUR CONTENT* * Subheading 4 YOUR CONTENT Subheading 5 YOUR CONTENT CONCLUSION * Name of the person who wrote this article* * One paragraph bio about the author of this article* * Link to author website * Summary to promote article, max 200 characters Focus on WHO the article is for, WHAT problem they have and HOW your article solves that problem* * What is YOUR name?* * Who are you?* * AuthorAuthor's RepOther How did you find this page?* * By submitting this post, you confirm that you are the copyright holder or have written permission of the copyright holder to do so * I confirm that I have read the privacy policy of this website and fully indemnify Melissa Snow and anyone associated with her over the publication of this article on this website * * Required Easy Online Form Builder