Friday's Fab 5 is a weekly MEME hosted by Froggarita's Bookcase, the jist of it is, Froggy will post five questions each week that may or may not be book related so that we can all get to know each other.
Here are this week's questions and my answers:
1: Funniest book you ever read: It would have to be the Queen Betsy series from Mary Janice Davidson. I just laughed through most of these books.
2: Worst book you ever read: Hands down it has to be The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. I know some people have loved it, but I couldn't get into it at all and it bored me to tears.
3: Favorite couple: Oh dear, I never really like the couples as they turn out in the books. I'm not really the happily ever after type. I'd rather see Sookie with Eric, Elena with Damon. Anita and Meredith have it made, they got all the hot badish guys:)
4: Book/series you would take with you on a long flight: That is a total toss-up. It would either be the Anita Blake series, or the Meredith Gentry series. I love those books and have read most of them over and over.
5: The one book you would have with you if stranded in a desert island: This is a really tough one. I love to read and go through books faster than anyone else in my family, but I guess if I had to choose, I would want to have Dreamcatcher by Stephen King. He is my all time favorite author and the one who really got me hooked on books. Plus it is a great read!
Want to join in the fun? Head on over to Froggarita's Bookcase and link up your answers:)
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