Saturday, February 27, 2016

Help my kids become Heart Hero's

The kids are doing something really fun at their school, and it's for a wonderful cause that I think everyone should support, including you.

They are learning how to exercise and protect their heart - and everyone's heart!

They are raising money for the American Heart Association so that they can help kids who are born with heart problems survive. It's also to keep kids like them active so that as they grow older, their heart stays healthy!

It would be really great if you could help out with a donation, and we'll both be Heart Heroes!

Any support that you can give would be great.

Thanks for helping save lives with the American Heart Association.

If you can spare even 1 dollar to help out the kids it would be greatly appreciated! No money needs to be sent to me or the schools, everything can be done straight online and goes directly to the American Heart Association.

Please use either link since both kids are fundraising!


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