Monday, May 27, 2019

Turning Point.. Blog Update

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I've been a bit MIA for the last couple of months. Everything that has posted since March has pretty much been pre-scheduled. It seemed that book blogging was no longer fun. I read 10 books in Jan and 13 in Feb, but didn't review a single one on here.

If you've followed this blog for awhile, you know that we started off with product reviews back in 2008, and when we moved to WordPress we lost most of those reviews. So I had to start all over again, we stayed at WordPress for about three years, then moved back to blogger due to our hosting company going out of business. And again we lost a few of the reviews.

But we have always rallied and came back stronger. We have bounced around the review circle, with product reviews, book reviews, movie reviews and even some music reviews; but never really settled on one thing. We've dabbled in just content posts, done strictly giveaways, but over the years nothing has ever felt exactly right.

 I've been treating this blog as a second job, and while I love it and all of you. I think I need to focus on what I want and move away from the book reviews and book related posts for a while. I'll still be posting book stuff every now and then, but I'm going to focus more on lifestyle posts and things that I am interested in now. There will still be giveaways of course, and more product reviews; but I just need to step back and make this fun for me again.

Our memes will be changing, along with a bunch of other little things around here. So be on the look out for those changes and know that we are working on things on our end!


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