Tuesday, November 08, 2016

30 Day Letter Writing Challenge ~Day 2~

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With this challenge I am hoping to get some things off my chest, even though I know all of these will never be read by the person they are written for.

Dear Crush,
I first noticed you in middle school, and we were almost inseparable until I moved. I loved hanging out doing absolutely nothing with you. Sitting in your grandmother's yard with you was the highlight of many summer nights back in the day. I know we don't see each other as much as we used to, but I still have this schoolgirl crush. 
 I see you out with your girls and I am so proud of the father you have become. You went through so much just to be where you are today and I can't help but smile and know that I had some small part in helping you realize your goals. 
Thank you for never taking our friendship further even though you knew I had my "small" crush back then, and thank you for being such a great friend all these years. I can't wait to see you next week when we take all the kids to the park.



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