Age Range: 7 - 10 years
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Series: The Witches of Orkney (Book 1)
Paperback: 216 pages
Publisher: SparkPress (October 23, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1943006776
ISBN-13: 978-1943006779
“An enchanting new book full of magical mischief and adventure, Alane Adams’s The Blue Witch is guaranteed to please” ―Foreword Clarion Reviews
“Bright, brave characters star in this exhilarating tale of magic and mystical creatures.” ―Kirkus Reviews
Before Sam Baron broke Odin's curse on the witches to become the first son born to a witch and the hero of the Legends of Orkney series, his mother was a young witchling growing up in the Tarkana Witch Academy. In this first book of the prequel series, the Witches of Orkney, nine-year-old Abigail Tarkana is determined to grow up to be the greatest witch of all, even greater than her evil ancestor Catriona. Unfortunately, she is about to fail Spectacular Spells class because her witch magic hasn't come in yet. Even worse, her nemesis, Endera, is making life miserable by trying to get her kicked out.
When her new friend Hugo's life is put in danger by a stampeding sneevil, a desperate Abigail manages to call up her magic―only to find out it's unlike any other witchling's at the Tarkana Witch Academy! As mysteries deepen around her magic and just who her true parents are, Abigail becomes trapped in a race against time to undo one of her spells before she is kicked out of the coven forever!
Rich in Norse mythology, The Blue Witch is the first of a fast-paced young reader series filled with magical spells, mysterious beasts, and witch-hungry spiders!
When her new friend Hugo's life is put in danger by a stampeding sneevil, a desperate Abigail manages to call up her magic―only to find out it's unlike any other witchling's at the Tarkana Witch Academy! As mysteries deepen around her magic and just who her true parents are, Abigail becomes trapped in a race against time to undo one of her spells before she is kicked out of the coven forever!
Rich in Norse mythology, The Blue Witch is the first of a fast-paced young reader series filled with magical spells, mysterious beasts, and witch-hungry spiders!
Ten facts about THE BLUE WITCH
1. The Blue Witch is the first in a new prequel series to the Legends of Orkney series.
2. The story is geared toward younger readers aged 7-10 not quite ready for the length of the original series.
3. The main character is a nine-year-old witch named Abigail just entering the famed Tarkana Witch Academy so there’s lots of magic and spells to be had.
4. Abigail happens to be the mother of the main character in the original series!
5. Many of the creatures in the story are found in the original series but there are some new ones including a fearsome viken which has hulking shoulders and snarling teeth and happens to be after Abigail.
6. The story idea came from a question I had from the original series which was why did my main character Sam’s mother have blue witchfire? All the other witches have green fire, so it was a question in my mind and so much fun to discover the answers to.
7. A new character is introduced named Hugo who is the younger brother of a character from the original series, Emenor. It is a lot of fun to consider what these characters might have been like as kids before they became adult characters in the story!
8. My favorite part in The Blue Witch is when they travel to the netherworld and encounter a colony of giant dragonflies! It was so much fun to imagine why these harmless creatures were banished and allow them to play a pivotal role in the story.
9. The tricky part of writing a prequel is making sure you don’t misstate any of the events that lead up to the events in the original story! It takes a lot of fact-checking to make sure the timing of events and character actions stay true to the later story.
10. The Blue Witch focuses mostly on the witches themselves, but there is still a lot of Norse mythology in the story and Odin gets to play a role in it, along with one of my favorite Norse goddesses, Vor, goddess of wisdom.
Photo Content from Alane Adams
Alane Adams is a children’s author, professor, and literacy advocate. She is the author of the Legends of Orkney fantasy mythology series for tweens; she also writes Early American picture books for young children. Adams lives in Southern California.
TWITTER: @AlaneAdamsBooks
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